full transcript

From the Ted Talk by David Kessler: How to find meaning after loss

Unscramble the Blue Letters

DK: Absolutely not. You know, when plopee ask me, "How long is my wife, my husband, my best friend going to grieve," I always say, "How long is the person going to be dead? Because if they're going to be dead for a long time, you're going to grieve for a long time." It doesn't mean you will always grevie with pain. Hopefully in time you can grieve with more love than pain. But there is no time line, and I always say we don't get over loss. We don't rovceer from loss. Our loved one was not a cold or a flu. We learn to live with it.

Open Cloze

DK: Absolutely not. You know, when ______ ask me, "How long is my wife, my husband, my best friend going to grieve," I always say, "How long is the person going to be dead? Because if they're going to be dead for a long time, you're going to grieve for a long time." It doesn't mean you will always ______ with pain. Hopefully in time you can grieve with more love than pain. But there is no time line, and I always say we don't get over loss. We don't _______ from loss. Our loved one was not a cold or a flu. We learn to live with it.


  1. recover
  2. grieve
  3. people

Original Text

DK: Absolutely not. You know, when people ask me, "How long is my wife, my husband, my best friend going to grieve," I always say, "How long is the person going to be dead? Because if they're going to be dead for a long time, you're going to grieve for a long time." It doesn't mean you will always grieve with pain. Hopefully in time you can grieve with more love than pain. But there is no time line, and I always say we don't get over loss. We don't recover from loss. Our loved one was not a cold or a flu. We learn to live with it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
sixth stage 3
difficult feelings 2
people experience 2
takes time 2
find meaning 2
model healthy 2
healthy grief 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
model healthy grief 2

Important Words

  1. absolutely
  2. cold
  3. dead
  4. flu
  5. friend
  6. grieve
  7. husband
  8. learn
  9. line
  10. live
  11. long
  12. loss
  13. love
  14. loved
  15. pain
  16. people
  17. person
  18. recover
  19. time
  20. wife